For American fighter pilots, these are more than just words, this is a code they live by! It is this culture of excellence that makes our fighter pilots the best in the world at protecting us against evil. And in this world we live in, there is no end to the evil that seeks to threaten our lives, liberty and property. One seasoned fighter pilot took this ethos of excellence, instilled through years of flying fighters, and applied it to the business world to develop superior security products for Americans.



Rhino Metals, Inc. is a U.S. veteran-owned manufacturing company founded in 1995 originally as a small town metal fabrication job shop. The founder, Don Suggs, was a fighter pilot who also enjoyed working with his hands and decided to use the discipline and commitment to excellence gained in the U.S. Air Force to build a business. Rhino Metals, Inc. is the Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM) of parts for industry-leading companies in a wide variety of industries. The headquarters and U.S. manufacturing plant, located in Caldwell, Idaho (approximately 35 miles outside of Boise), produces quality metal parts used in equipment and buildings all over the world.


In 1999, Mr. Suggs was asked by his father to make a quality gun safe. His father wanted a way to keep his firearms out of the reach of his grandchildren but couldn’t find anything in the local stores that was affordable and secure. With these key factors in mind, Mr. Suggs started his research of products on the market and developed a new, tougher design, and then built a small production run to test the market. Two U.S. patents emerged from his design and from that simple catalyst of a request from his father, Rhino Safe Company, now known as Rhino Metals, Inc., was born. The company is named after an aircraft Mr. Suggs flew operationally, The McDonnell Douglas F-4. Loved by those who flew it, the F-4 was affectionately known as the “RHINO” due to its long nose and toughness.


Through the years, the company has consistently set new industry standards for quality, value, and customer service, and is now one of the leading U.S. gun safe companies. Rhino Metals, Inc. employs a large percentage of veterans and continues to focus on discipline and a relentless COMMITMENT TO EXCELLENCE!